My treatments are the synthesis of many expert teachers I have experienced.
I try to model my original Traditional Chinese Medicine teacher, Robert Heyob's TCM clinic
by creating a safe, nurturing, humorous and profound patient practitioner interaction. He
was skilled at electro acupuncture and was able to use it in most cases to good effect. I later studied with and tutored for Dr. Stanley Leung who ran the stroke department at SF General Hospital. He studied in China and moved to France in the 1960's while the French were making remarkable advances in both brain mapping and electro acupuncture stimulation.
My most recent teacher passed in 2019. In 2014 I was allowed the honor to treat Taowhywee, Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, member of the International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Voice of the voiceless, who went to Star Nation at 95. She spoke the truth with integrity at all times. I was her Porcupine and she was my teacher in the ways of endurance, nature , humor and prayers.
John Steink, first acupuncturist for the SF 49ers, taught me how to differentiate pain patterns and sports medicine treatment protocols.
My teacher Murray Korngold pioneered psychology as a profession. He lobbied in Sacramento until it was legalized in 1958. He returned to Sacramento and lobbied to have acupuncture legalized in 1976 then pioneered
acupuncture as a profession and was instrumental in opening The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. He laid the foundations for his son's, Efrem Korngold, and co-author/ wife, Harriet's groundbreaking book "Between Heaven and Earth" demystifying 5 Elemental Theory by putting it in psychological context. I attended The American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (2000-2005) and he taught Patient Counseling there until he was 87. He was my personal therapist until he was 95 and he taught me that our mind is the most powerful tool that we possess and how to use it. He told me that words are just as important as needles and it is with joy that I recite or read his meditations to my patients.
Inspired by the Efrem and Harriet's book "Between Heaven and Earth"
the widely respected New York neurodevelopmental pediatrician Stephen Cowan
(http://www.stephencowanmd.com) befriended them and began a lifelong friendship. Dr.
Cowan wrote about the use of the Five Types model in his book: Fire Child, Water Child: How
Understanding The Five Types of ADHD Helps You Improve Your Child’s Self-Esteem and
Attention. I had the opportunity to attend/document a Pediatric certification program taught
by Efrem and Steve as they started conducting their seminars in holistic pediatrics,
comparing Western and Eastern approaches to embryology, social and cognitive disorders
such as ADD, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and learning disabilities as well as ordinary
pediatric complaints. Efrem and Harriet wrote the Chinese Medicine Works Formula Guides
to describe and explain their 68 herbal formulas (CHINESE MODULAR SOLUTIONS, SAGE
SOLUTIONS (Geriatric formulas), and GENTLE WARRIORS (Pediatric formulas) that are
distributed to health care providers, within the United States and in Europe by Kan Herb
My family members have been artists for generations so it was gratifying to take a class with
Dr. Robert Johns using his book "The Art of Acupuncture Techniques" to allow my craft as
a healing art to my family.
While at ACTCM I worked at Medical Building 450 Sutter St. in the very busy and well organized fertility clinic of Lifang Liang, O.M.D., Ph,D., L.Ac. author of "Acupuncture and IVF Success by 40-60%".
I also worked in the ACTCM Chinese medicinal garden, as an ACTCM photographer & videographer and as a tutor of Stanley Leung's Meridian Theory classes and his Acupuncture Theory and Technique 2 & 3 and for Daniel Jiao's Herbal Classes and Formula Classes.
I studied Dermatology with Dr. Yu who had been a dentist in China and her father was a Western Dermatologist in China. She grew weary of dentistry and wanted to join her father in practice and he told her to study Traditional Chinese Medicine for dermatology instead of Western Medicine and she did. When I am treating serious issues like Brown Recluse Spider bites or varicose veins I am very grateful to her for my successful cases.
I studied the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)points with Acupuncturists Without Borders. No diagnosis or individualized treatment plan is performed, which makes it very different from other acupuncture sessions. An important feature of this protocol is that it can be non-verbal. Because it does not require an intake, it works for patients who do not speak English, those who are hearing impaired, and those who are unaware of, unwilling, or unable to discuss their problems. This model allows all those being treated to experience relief from stress and trauma. Hope, determination and resiliency rises powerfully when the patient feels calm and quiet. Please expect to sit/lie fully clothed, your ear(s) to be wiped with an alcohol and have 5 NADA points inserted with sterile disposable acupuncture needles. The ideal treatment time is 20-45 minutes. This treatment is for trauma, stress, anxiety and depression to aid in the recovery of crisis resulting from disaster or human conflict. Knowing that unresolved trauma can have repercussions for decades this service is offered to provide treatment to interrupt this cycle of pain and chaos, relieve suffering and support healing. It is a safe and effective treatment perfect for someone who would like a very gentle acupuncture experience.
Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Archetypes "Discovering Your Original Face" diagnosis and treatment protocol was created by Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, L.Ac., M.S., M.M., Facial Acupuncture Author/Professor at her Chi-Akra Center, New York City. It's high cost covers the cost of her high end facial products. This protocol requires a minimum of 12 treatments and time to order the her needed products.
8 Extraordinary Meridians Treatments are used when the need to purify and release blockages are on a quantum inter dimensional level. They perform best when a patient is actively working with a counselor or has gotten stuck on their life path as these treatments provide a physiological, mental and emotional transformation to occur which is unique to acupunctures ability to affect the body, mind, and spirit. These treatments require longer needle insertion time from 40-60 minutes.
Du: primordial Yang, the first level of organization, moves forward, works on endocrine level, for lack of inspiration or drive. Used if over bonded with partners or life circumstances or a lack of connection to a Yang figure.
Ren: primordial Mother Yin, creation itself hidden in the depth of the source of life, bonding with Mother and own feminine nature, works on a hormonal level & rules reproduction, creativity, receptivity and nourishment. Used to endure the burden of life with confidence, sincerity and acting from the depths of the true personality.
From Yin and Yang springs the Chong, the Sea of Blood, and from the Chong springs the 10,000 things.
Chong: the Sea of Blood, great route, power, strength and walking straight on life’s purpose, full range of existence, where the ideal and real occupy the same place, reconnection to “Who I am”, reinitiating our own essential nature and purpose, for tense and bound up interior, and processing life’s lessons.
Dai Mai: the Belt or Girdle that holds all the other Meridians firmly and well arranged, the Dai is the 10,000 things, it harmonies, allows communication and creates dimension. It is where unresolved past is stored and it connects past and future. Use when a “False Self” developed for a reason. The release of “False Self” is painful as the Ego is attached to impressions of the “False Self”. The Dai interfaces between space and self-influence and allows a higher dimensional energy to come into our sphere facilitating release of pain and abandonment. When there is a strong identity with false self this treatment can provide a glimmer of “True Self” which can be life changing.
Yin Wei: Love and rectitude, moving inward, distribution of fluids, pain in the heart (emotional and physic), lacking love, and fosters love of the divine mother within. This is the most comforting of the 8 extraordinary treatments and it can be safely repeated whenever a boost is desired. This can be particularly useful when people are having trouble navigating when faced with their reality.
Yang Wei: Defensive and protective layer, enhances resistance to illness, the interface between what is you and what is outside of you, what you choose to let in and keep out of your being.
Yang Qiao: The outer most structure of how I walk in this life with others, grounding & anchors body on earth. Used for tense Yang side of leg (outer leg) and relaxed Yin side of leg (inner leg), excessive obsessive behavior/over thinking /paranoia/insomnia/mania.
Yin Qiao: The innermost structure of how I walk in this life with myself, how I create the backbone of my character, & my spirit body of light. Used for tense Yin side of leg and relaxed Yang side of leg, deficiency obsessive behavior/ over thinking.
For balancing the movement of the legs, eyes and internal and external life Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao confluent points will be used.