Welcome to Dancing Porcupine Acupuncture!

Hello and Welcome to Dancing Porcupine Acupuncture!
I have been blessed with excellent teachers in the last 30 years that I have practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine. They have given me insight into treating many conditions with different healing modalities. I am grateful for many years of professional clinical practice where I have treated patients of all ages with various conditions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treats the Body, Mind and Spirit using the 12 Regular Meridians and the 8 Extraordinary Meridians.
I use TCM to diagnose and treat regular disorders of the Body such as constitutional seasonal tune-ups, external injury, internal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, reproductive health, dermatology issues, sports injury/enhancement, external invasions such as the common cold/flu, Bell's Palsy, and fire heat toxin invasions like a spider bite. I use TCM to treat the Mind of many types disorders like depression, excessive anger, worry, grief, or fear.
If a trouble looms beyond the 12 Regular Meridians I use the Extraordinary Meridian treatments which impact the blueprint of the soul. These treatments work very well on people who have been working on themselves, especially with a counselor, and it is a tool I can use to help profoundly reconnect the body, spirit and soul.

Dancing Porcupine Acupuncture
Providence Mine Business Park
Nevada City, CA
(530) 557-7681

Initial Visit
First time acupuncture patients can expect an in-depth consultation, examination, diagnosis, and treatment including Chinese Herbal recommendation (90-120 minutes).
Follow-Up Visit
Follow-up acupuncture treatments include a quick consultation, re-examination and treatment (60-90 minutes).​
Acupuncture treatments may also include electro-simulation, moxibustion, acu-tonics, cupping, meditation, and massage.
Therapeutic Massage
Tui Na
hot stone available on request
Fire Cupping
Brings the body back to homeostasis
Brings blood and Qi to the surface to increase local healing
Removes invading Pathogenic Qi and Wind
Benefits the Lungs
All original artwork on my website was created by Lee Suta, my father
"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything."
- Lao Tzu